Monday, September 17, 2012

CASHP Postdoc Dr. Erin Marie Williams Receives Prestigious Award

We congratulate CASHP post-doctoral scientist Erin Marie Williams (M.A. Anth 2007, Ph.D. HomPal 2011) on winning the 2012 L’Oréal USA Fellowship for Women in Science award. Dr. Williams will be able to study early hominin decision-making through their choice of tool-making materials. She and four other awardees will receive up to $60,000 for their postdoctoral research. This honor is awarded to bring recognition to female scientists working in the U.S. in science and to establish them as role models for young women in science.

Alumni Update

Danielle Claybrook (B.A. Arch 2012) is attending the University of Liverpool for an M.A. in Archaeology.

Justin Greco (B.A. Arch 2012) is working as a research assistant in sleep research for SRI International in Menlo Park, CA.

Zachary Hall (B.A. Anth 2010) has just completed his first year as a member of the Peace Corps in Inhassoro, Mozambique. He’s teaching English to about 400 students and hopes to start HIV prevention education soon.

Clara Merchant (B.A. Arch 2012) is attending University College London for an M.A. in Archaeological Site Management.

Joseph Moore (B.A. Arch & Classical Studies 2012) is attending the University of Southampton, England, for an M.A. in Maritime Archaeology.

Michiko Reynolds (B.A. Arch 2012) is volunteering at the Maritime Museum in San Diego, CA.

Hannah Ringheim (B.A. Arch & Classical Studies 2012) is attending Oxford University for an M.A. in Archaeology.

Dana Drake Rosenstein (B.A. Anth 2002) is working on her doctorate in African Archaeology at the University of Arizona.